The CE/CME community has struggled to effectively understand and communicate the value of CE in part because the community lacks a standardized outcomes language and a set of standardized approaches to measuring impact. Without standardization, effectively comparing and aggregating outcomes data and insights remains impossible. This problem statement can be read through three lenses: 1) professionals who design and build educational interventions for healthcare providers require standardization to effectively measure the impact of their efforts; 2) professionals who provide commercial support require standardization to effectively understand the impact of their grant funding and to advocate for larger grant-making budgets; and 3) research scientists require standardization to effectively advance our branch of educational research. For the past five years the OSP steering team has been working with community members from all member sections to plan, evolve, and understand how the OSP glossary is impacting their work. This workshop is intended to update new members on the OSP initiative, review recent data on OSP adoption, explore best practices leveraging the glossary in different settings, and help learners develop an implementation plan for applying the OSP glossary in their own practice.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participants will be able to describe the impact of standardized outcomes approaches and the risks resulting from lack of standardization.
Upon completion, participants will be able to describe the current state of adoption of the OSP terms and definitions, as well as leading barriers to adoption.
Upon completion, participants will be able to overcome barriers to adoption of the OSP terms and definitions in their own work settings to advance their outcomes planning and implementation.